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Traeger Coffee Rub

Traeger Coffee Rub


Give your meats a serious wake-up call with Traeger Coffee Rub. More traditional spices like garlic, paprika, and black pepper get a boost from coffee and cocoa to add a bold dose of flavor to anything you shake this rub on. Give it a try and see what all the buzz is about.

11,90 €Sale Price 11,90 €

Galleria delle Immagini: 3 Immagini

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Traeger Coffee Rub


Give your meats a serious wake-up call with Traeger Coffee Rub. More traditional spices like garlic, paprika, and black pepper get a boost from coffee and cocoa to add a bold dose of flavor to anything you shake this rub on. Give it a try and see what all the buzz is about.

11,90 €Sale Price 11,90 €


  • Dai alla carne una sferzata di sapore con questo rub a base di caffè
  • Note di caffè, cacao, pepe nero e aglio
  • Kosher, senza OGM e senza glutine
  • Confezionato in scatole di alluminio


I nostri pellet di legno duro, rubs e salse, si abbinano bene con tutto, ma il Rub al caffè Traeger si abbina particolarmente bene con:

  • Manzo
  • Verdure