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How to Ignite Your Traeger Grill

How to Start Your Traeger Grill

Starting your Traeger grill may seem daunting, but it's really quite easy.

There are two ways to start a Traeger: with an open lid or with a closed lid. You can easily tell which method you should use based on the type of controller you have. Most grills require a closed-lid startup. However, if you have a grill without WiFIRE that also has a small pin hole next to the screen, use the open-lid procedure.

Closed-Lid Startup

Closed-lid startups are effortless:

  1. When ready to cook, ensure all your internal grill components (heat baffle, drip tray, grill grates) are inside the grill.
  2. Plug in and turn on your grill.
  3. Set your Traeger grill directly to the desired temperature and preheat with the lid closed for approximately 15 minutes.

Open-Lid Startup

If your grill requires an open-lid start-up, follow these steps below:

  1. When ready to cook, ensure all your internal grill components (heat baffle, drip tray, grill grates) are inside the grill.
  2. Set your Traeger grill to the SMOKE setting with the lid open. You will hear the fan running.
  3. Wait for the fire to ignite and establish, roughly 5 minutes, give or take.
    1. You should hear a difference in sound from just the fan to hearing a flame going.
    2. If you want to cook at high temperatures (325ºF +), skip to step.
  4. Once the flame is going and the fire has been established, wait for an additional 5-10 with the lid remaining open.
  5. Close the lid.
  6. Increase to the desired temperature and preheat for approximately 10-15 minutes.
  7. Begin cooking!